

Registration Form

You are about to fill out an initial Registration Form for the 2025-2026 school year. This will enter your child in the lottery to be held in March 2025. The open enrollment period will run from January 1, 2025 to March 1st 2025. To be entered into the lottery, please be sure to submit this form prior to March 1st. A non-refundable payment of $35 ($15 for each additional student in your family) must be received and a tour of the school must be completed in order for this form to be considered complete. Email steelepreschooltours@gmail.com to set up your tour today! Or attend our Open House on January 15, 2025 from 5-7 pm.

If you would like to inquire about enrolling for the current school year, please email our enrollment team at  steelepreschoolenrollment@gmail.com

    (first middle last)



    (First Last)


    Please indicate your 1st choice of classes

    Please indicate your 2nd choice of classes


    Please fill out this registration form for each student. The registration fee is $35 for the first student and $15 for each additional student.

    Yes I understand

    I understand that I must pay a $35 non-refundable application fee ($15 for each additional student in a family) in order for my child to be placed into the Registration Lottery or onto waiting lists. PAYMENTS can be made via check submitted to the school, Venmo, or online through Paypal: https://steelecooperativepreschool.org/other-payments/


    Total Students Enrolled at steele

    Classes Available

    1:6(or less) adult to child ratio

    Years EstablishEd

    Get In Touch

    Location: 3746 Grove St, Denver, CO 80211
    Telephone: (303) 433-0832

    School Hours:
    Tadpoles 9:00 am – 11:00 am (Tuesday and Thursday)
    Polliwogs  9:00
     am – 11:30 am (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
    Frogs 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)