Parent Participation Contract

    (first middle last)


    I understand that Steele Cooperative Preschool (SCP) is a cooperative preschool that is managed and operated by its members, and I agree to the following requirements necessary for the effective functioning of the school:

    1. My tuition is $ per month for the child named herein. I will submit tuition payments by the first of each month. I agree to pay a late fee of $30.00 if my tuition is paid after the seventh of the month. If an unanticipated financial hardship arises, I understand I may be eligible for partial financial aid and should contact the Director, Treasurer, or Payment Coordinator."

    2. I will aide in the classroom regularly (approximately one class per month per child enrolled; specific numbers by class will be provided by the Parent Involvement Chair or class parent). I will lightly clean after class, as presented in the Parent Handbook. If I am unable to aide on the day I have scheduled, I will arrange for a substitute and inform the class parent or teacher of the change.

    3. When aiding, I will provide a nutritious, nut-free snack and drink (following the guidelines in the Parent Handbook) for all students, the teacher, and any guests.

    4. I will fulfill the duties of my committee position or serve on the parent board to help operate the school.

    5. I will meet or exceed the fundraising obligations, as defined by the Fundraising Committee; and I will actively participate in other fundraising activities.

    6. I will attend the monthly parent meetings (held at Steele on the second Thursday of each month beginning at 7pm).

    7. I will submit all required enrollment paperwork no later than mid-August. Back to school paperwork will be sent in July.

    8. If my child has an allergy, I will inform the school's director, the school nurse, my child's teacher, and fellow class parents. I will maintain the correct medications at the school.

    9. I acknowledge that the teachers and aides will not put sunscreen on my child while attending SCP.

    10. I have a valid driver’s license and carry liability insurance on any vehicles used for transporting children. If I do not have auto insurance, I will not transport preschool children other than my own for SCP events without written parent permission.

    11. If I decide to withdraw from the preschool, I will provide a 30-day notice to my child's teacher, the school Director, and the Enrollment co-chairs. I understand that I will receive no refund of paid tuition.

    12. I agree to read the Parent Handbook and school bylaws that will be distributed in August during the back to school season. I understand failure to comply with the above stated responsibilities may result in action being taken according to the Parent Obligation Protocol outlined in the Handbook.

    13. I understand that class rosters will be published for SCP families. This information includes names of children and parents, phone number, home address, email address and children’s date of birth. It will be shared with the members of SCP.

    14. I understand that, as a parent member of SCP, I am responsible for aiding in the classroom, my committee position responsibilities, timely payment of tuition, and participation in fundraising and attending monthly parent meetings. These commitments will be documented by the Parent Involvement Chair and reviewed by the Parent Board on a monthly basis. Outlined in the Parent Handbook, is Steele’s Parent Accountability policy; if a parent member is on their 2nd Warning this will affect your priority of “Current Student Status” in the forthcoming lottery.

    Agreeing to meet the requirements listed above is a condition of continued enrollment in SCP. I acknowledge being informed of these membership requirements. Also, I assert that I am in good mental and physical health and capable of adhering to these standards of membership.

    Any applicant who knowingly or willfully makes a false statement of any material fact or thing in the enrollment application is guilty of perjury in the second degree as defined in Section 18-8-503 of the Colorado Revised Statues and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished accordingly.

    Signature (Please sign in the box below)